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How find the 2 conjunction asteroids in the "Missing Earth" crop circle
9-21-12latest edit 24-07-2020

Which two asteroids are shown in the MUST BE CAUSED conjunction shown in the Longwood-Warren, aka the "Missing Earth" crop circle?
There are two methods described below.

By Daniel Alter n1cl-1

Why Look?

Once our astronomers objectively confirm in public that the conjunction exists, they will learn that one or both asteroids involved were moved from their normal orbits.By inspection, this will confirm that E-Ts are trying to contact us with a public warning telling us when our conservation debt made of Anti-Matter(A-M) will strike the Sun vaporizing Earth.
Since we can prevent it, once we know precisely when, then time is of the essence, should we decide to save Earth.

There are two ways to verify which asteroids are used for the conjunctions:

Posted by Dan Sunday, December 06, 2009 (12:07:00)
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How & Why We Can Stop Anti-Matter(A-M) Debt From Exploding Sun
How & Why We Can Stop Anti-Matter(A-M) Debt From Exploding Sun

We are still in beta, our Q&A module is a bug fix away from being loaded, but fire away, the present forums will work for questions. by Dan Alter n1cl-1 12-1-2008

How is simple. Eye witnesses report that the USA government has tested one or more captured E-T "blink ships". (They disappear and instantly reappear less than a mile away.) I have witnessed this behavior myself on a ABC news video taken over France at 25,000 feet in 1975. Many repeated 'blink jumps' over 3-4 minutes. Amazing video.) An effect my base theory says must occur when any object drops to zero with respect to c on the surface of our Moebius geometry universe. The actual 'automatic' distance traveled can be predicted once you deduce our universes diameter. All we have to do is drop one of these "blink ships" down to zero c on the point on Earth's surface as it passes through the 'wormhole opening' between 150' to 180' inside Earth's exact center line orbit on this coming January 15th. With a specific measurement we could deduce how much wider the opening is.

Posted by Dan Tuesday, May 26, 2009 (23:09:29)
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Why Earth Has A Conservation Debt That Causes Sun To Explode,
This is the short story. Background: In 1985 I discovered what Objective Measure of Personal Value all life forms used to keep themselves alive with. This is the oldest 'economic question of all, What do we use to measure what is good and bad for ourselves under all possible sets of physical circumstances?."The Objective Measure of Our General Welfare."

Since we humans create scientific theories to describe how the universe works back to ourselves, our fundamental common objective measure of value must serve as its objective causal premise.

This led to deducing that we must live in a Moebius Geometry based universe and that all life forms are created and animated by thin Moebius Geometry based spirits. Souls have been rumored to exist before and all great religions posit their theology on the existence of a personal soul, e.g Catholics.

Western scientists, despite massive evidence to the contrary, deny that spirits exist and most refuse to look at the evidence.

Posted by Dan Wednesday, November 18, 2009 (12:17:10)
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Claims of Danger : Proofs that E-Ts warned us of a PREVENTABLE Sun explosion on July 16,2024
Scientific Proof Why E-Ts Have Publicly Warned Earth That Our Sun Will Explode July 16, 2024

Reported by Dan Alter, n1cl-1.

E-T Warning Confirms Theoretical Prediction

I am a scientist. I have sworn to tell the truth on this public record. I have a fearful prediction for the rest of you to confirm. At first, it was just a theoretical prediction, now it can be confirmed.

Posted by Dan Sunday, October 11, 2009 (23:54:00)
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Claims of Danger : NOT Enforcing Strict Liability On Corporations Always Reduces Society's Wealth
Why NOT Enforcing Strict Liability On Corporations, Politicians and Ourselves Always Reduces Time Alive & Total of Profitable Exchanges!

by Dan Alter n1cl-1


After a question posed by Ronald Coase in "The Problem of Social Cost" Journal of Law & Economics, October 1960, it became politically acceptable to relax Strict Liability for corporations, and by extension anyone else who could bribe politicians to relax Liability for them. It was a "theoretical" question, "Could society relax Strict Liability for the damage you do others, i.e. No Liability, and not reduce the Quantity of Goods & Services Exchanged(Q G&S XCed)?

Surprisingly, using the standard measure economists use to total the Q 0f G&S XCed, Coase found no difference as long as you made someone pay for the damage. i.e. The person damaged paid the damager not to hurt them again = the legal definition of extortion = crime does not have a cost to society. It was a controversial result.

This result was loved by corporations and politicians, they could change the rules any which way they wanted to. I read Coase's Theorem in December 1975. It took me eight years to prove how he had committed a fundamental analytical error. He had unconsciously used the Fallacy of Non Attribution = Instead of using a real good in his model as his measure, he assigned an imaginary money price to the goods exchanged in his examples.

Walras Law which economists use to total the Quantity of Goods & Services Exchanged demands one of the real goods in the chain of exchange be used as your money for totaling quantity.

What Coase had actually enabled me to prove was that No Liability always reduces the Q 0f G&S XCed, the Quantity of Time Alive. Coase received the 1991 Nobel in economics for Coases's Theorem.

Coase's basic analytical error is obvious once pointed out. It is called the fallacy of Non-Attribution. He did not use one of the goods in his chain of exchange described in his theoretical model as his basis of comparison = his money. In order to tie economic analysis to objective(we can all verify it with our senses)reality, economists use Walras Law, it is the fundamental mathematical theory used by economists to sum up the Quantity of Goods & Services Exchanged(Q 0f G&S XCed). It explicitly requires that a real good in the chain of exchanges being described, be used as a common denominator measure = numeraire = money. All real scientists require that our measures be objective for all of our predictions, not imaginary. Coase assigned imaginary money prices to the cattle and wheat used in his example.

Posted by dan1 Wednesday, June 29, 2005 (15:00:00)
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Scientist Says UNLESS PREVENTED SUN EXPLODES July 16, 2024
Scientist Says UNLESS PREVENTED SUN EXPLODES July 16, 2024

There is overwhelming "objective" proof that UNLESS we act to Prevent it, Earth dies on July 16, 2024.

Why & How
It started with a theoretical prediction in February 1991. Why Earth has a conservation debt, theory and evidence. My first and astonishingly absolute confirmation of my thought experiment came after talking with Gerald Hawkins, a world famous geometric mathematician on February 10, 1992 about his article Geometric Harvest in the February 1, 1992 Science News. He had demonstrated that several of the early crop circles were elegant proofs of geometric theorems never before published on Earth.

Posted by Dan Friday, July 19, 2013 (18:03:40)
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10-08-14 Two Tests Show Gravity Propagates From c To Instant At What Distances
10-08-14 I revised this article after much thought over the last year. I have concluded we can navigate at FTL precisely enough to do conservation debt disconnection once we confirm precisely G propagation speed at what distances. This should give us the data needed to modify Newton's Inverse Square Law to make it accurate at all distances.

I have dated where I have made revisions to the original article.

The two tests(now four) described below will show whether or not the Gravitational force G propagates at;

1. instantaneously at all distances between any two masses,
2. or G propagates at c the speed of light everywhere,
3. or from c nearby to instantaneous at a predictable greater distance.

Why is discovering how G links to c so important? It is the holy grail of present science. The speed of light ties together the weak, strong, and electromagnetic forces, but we can not tie c into Gravity, which ties all masses together at all distances including dark matter and energy. By tying G force propagation to c over all distances we relate the weak, strong and electromagnetic forces for the location of any masses on the surface of space-time.

I predict that the third possibility will be demonstrated leading to these conclusions.

After we tie G to c, then we can know our location within the universe = FTL interstellar navigation. Because we can manipulate the quantum forces of the masses involved, that makes possible our direct manipulation of Gravity(= anti-gravity). Navigation and Anti-gravity makes FTL star travel possible. In addition, since the base geometry of the universe is revealed = Moebius Strip, we can explain dark matter and energy and the Big Bang inflation instant directly.

Posted by Dan Thursday, June 06, 2013 (18:41:49)
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How N1CL creates honest public info, Latest Q&A etc.
The No 1st Cost List is a list of people and organizations who have agreed to answer questions from anyone about what they say in their own Public N1CL Forum and N1CL Question & Answer Dialogues.

Public questioning and testing is the way honest science, business, and politics must work to create Liberty and Justice for all.

Creating a public place for a planet requires a real time central point meeting point that is open to all, to either be a member, or ask just ask questions and comment.
An agreement by members to answer questions about your public statements.
A permanent public record.
And a conscious awareness that you are working to advance the General Welfare which by definition includes your own.
There are more specifications, but these will do for now.

Posted by Dan Wednesday, August 01, 2012 (22:34:28)
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Copy "How list works, base agreements" box.

The only way we will survive this is with citizens and leaders who will swear to speak the truth in public.

A big personal benefit. Anyone can prove they "Stand Behind Their Word", especially people in government and business.

How to create Trusted News about Yourself or Anything else. Any person, business, or organization can join the No 1st Cost List after they accept these three agreements:

(1) You swear to speak honestly and seek the truth when using the N1CL Public Record;

(2) you agree to answer questions from anyone about anything you put on your N1CL public forum, as long as you and the questioner;

(3) agree to the Question and Answer(Q&A) procedures and 'Best Feature' inside.

Anyone Can Ask a Question for free. No one can question a 'non-member questioner' about their Q&A dialogues.
How you can post a Yes/No for free. Anyone can post a 'Yes/No' (Recommend/Not Recommend, Warn, Dispute Public Facts), about the public actions of any person or organization; as long as they agree to answer questions from anyone, only about their Yes/No; subject to agreement (3).

Posted by Dan Wednesday, September 19, 2018 (05:28:58)
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revised 5-31-18, E-T Warning Message Summary
5-31-18 In finally deciphering the E-T warning message, I always assumed the minimum time till vaporization, e.g, I started by assuming six years from the time the Barbary Castle was put down. Then with the Shoemaker-Levy 9 comet establishing that the E-T's unit of time was three years, I thought maybe 18 or 21 years from the time BC circle was placed down. I was wrong on the countdown start date.

With the Missing Earth showing July 17, 2003 I was flummoxed. I had used Red Shift 5 confirmed by the UW Astronomy Dept. to determine that the positions of the three remaining planets in the Missing Earth circle showed 7-17-2003. On July 15, 2012 I realized that 7-17-2003 was the start of the 21 sidereal year countdown to July 16, 2024. I almost collapsed with relief. Now there was time to figure out FTL travel and What Must Be Done.

This message from E-Ts uses the standard three part form of explanation. Tell them, tell them, tell them.

The three parts say:

"Earth is going to be completely vaporized on July 16, 2024 at 16:32 UTC after its conservation debt of Anti-Matter strikes the Sun."

Part I. Tell them what this is about = Thesis = Barbary Castle crop circle placed down at 1:35 UTC. July 17. 1991 in England showing Earth will be vaporized in seven units of time;
Part II. Tell them your time unit by showing an example of an Earth sized planet's destruction, i.e. Shoemaker-Levy 9 comet striking Jupiter on July 16, 1994 at 20:13 UTC exactly three sidereal Earth years after the Barbary was put down;
Part III. Conclusion = Tell them by summarizing what you just said = the Missing Earth crop circle which in part shows exactly when the event starts 33 years later, i.e. the date shown by the remaining three planets in the Missing Earth, July 17, 2003 shows when the 3 years x 7 = 21 year countdown to our vaporization starts.

I concluded about 6-1-2013 the E-T warning message is complete after much wishing for another part. As usual, my understanding was incomplete. The E-T message is clear, elegant, and I am sure polished by many repetitions. We have been given the minimum chance to grow up. Of necessity, the E-Ts will do no more.

Posted by Dan Saturday, November 14, 2009 (03:47:28)
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1-15-16 How do we prevent our Sun from exploding?
There are three ways to prevent our Anti-Matter conservation debt from striking the Sun. All depend upon full public cooperation from our scientific and political leaders.

The first step is for our astronomers to confirm the "must be caused" asteroid conjunction shown in the "Missing Earth"(Longwood-Warren) crop circle using the original working paper from seventeen years ago. I predict it will show 26 minutes before 16:32 UTC July 16, 2024. That will confirm when we must act together to prevent this event.

Posted by Dan Saturday, October 17, 2009 (10:20:08)
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11-22-13 Why Sun explodes July 16, 2024, unless Prevented

PREFACE 11-22-13

Conserving and maintaining a conserved common NOW surface for our universe logically requires almost instantaneous balancing of plus/minus pairs = entanglement, no matter how far apart the pairs are from each other. Plus a 'repulsive force' to prevent them from being opposite one another across the two sides of our Moebius universe's surface. No such conservation balancing; then the NOW that we life forms presently see and share could not exist.
Premise: For life to be created and maintained in a conserved universe, by inspection, requires action from outside the body = objectively real Spirits that can manipulate matter into lifeforms. They have been rumored to exist before.
OBJECTIVE = Each of us can potentially verify the evidence with our senses, directly or by implication. You can rap it with your knuckles. The evidence can be seen 'in common'. Above all objective facts are 'agreed upon facts'. That is why scientists above all must be honest reporters of their observations and measurements. Without trust, objective facts can not be agreed upon, and thus can not be created.

Posted by Dan Saturday, August 29, 2009 (18:25:29)
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How Full Member-Yes/No Forums Work 01-18-10
Every Full member is assigned a Full Member forum. In it any full member, including businesses and other organizations, can post anything they like; as long as they understand that they have agreed to answer questions from anyone about what they say or post in their forum, or in any Q&A they participate in.

Posted by Dan Wednesday, August 26, 2009 (05:00:16)
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01-17-09 to 10-09-2009 & 7-8-10 to 10-13-10 Latest Change(s) to Beta site.
We will do two months at a time. Previous changes article ended on 1-16-2009.

Posted by Dan Saturday, January 17, 2009 (23:51:32)
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"UUUHow to use a circle to relate 'e' to Phi " 1st Posted: Feb 22, 2008
This mathematics discovery allows us to relate all mathematical and physical constants logically and causally together. It is needed to navigate between two sides of surface of a Moebius and across its surface. A test: You can square the circle using only a straight edge by knowing how to create the 8 e|Phi points on a circle.

Posted by Dan Wednesday, November 26, 2008 (17:59:59)
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05-22-11 Why E-T blinkships our Govt has could stop our Sun from exploding.
Three things must be done:

1. Verify the first exactly overlapping asteroid conjunction shown in Missing Earth crop circle, then verify the existence of the second conjunction exactly three years later at the 12 o'clock with respect to the Missing Earth's 9 o'clock conjunction when oriented on July 17, 2003. We must know the exact time the second conjunction goes to a center to center overlap.

Since they are not natural, i.e. the asteroids had to have been moved for these conjunctions to occur. They could not occur by chance. Now lets verify them.

2. Bring George Bush to Law or the E-Ts will prevent us from using the E-T blinkships our governments have in their possession. They will not let a Three Monkey Society led planet survive.

3. Below I assert our governments have E-T blink ships in their possession. Then all we need is knowing how to navigate them to other side of our Sun at the appropriate moment. i.e. the navigation equation for a Moebius I have worked out.

Then the actual disconnection of our conservation debt is almost trivially simple. Just not easy. Wake up!

Posted by admin Wednesday, August 13, 2008 (21:50:36)
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The Objective Measure of Our General Welfare(5-23-15)

Measuring our General Welfare objectively is the second oldest moral and economic question. But to measure the General Welfare we must first answer the oldest question, "What do each of us life forms use to measure what is good and bad for each of us?, or " How do any of we life forms measure our own personal value?". For should this personal measure be the same for all of us life forms, then we can aggregate and total the sum of the these common individual values into a measure of the General Welfare.

Further, and more importantly, it gives each of us a moral guide as to how to treat other life forms = No First Cost. We each try to maximize our own time alive, so this implies we have a moral duty to maximize all time alive. Since we must eat other life forms to stay alive, this duty leads to conundrums like how to deal with our conservation debt.

For scientists this objective measure of value must serve as the premise for a real GUT theory. By inspection, a theory is created by one or more of we life forms to explain how things work back to all of us; so it must begin and end with how we each basically organize information, own time cost minimization.

YOU use as little time as possible to get WHATEVER YOU NEED TO STAY ALIVE OR WANT. The reason is simple, we all only have one unit of time alive per unit time as measured by the speed of light in a body.

Posted by admin Sunday, July 13, 2008 (02:30:30)
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How To Navigate between Two Sides Moebius Surface
7-03-08 The clue came from an error pointed out today by mlmn about Phi. Kudos mlmn.

In reviewing the basic math interactions between Phi(1.618) and phi(.618) raised a question: "What are the results of add, subtract, multiply, and divide between phi and Phi that always yield as a result of one or the other, or an increase or decrease of one, e.g. 1.618 to 2.618 etc by a repeated math operation using just phi or Phi.

When you use 1, your base unit equal to the distance between two sides of a Moebius' surface expressed as some percentage of the Circumference of the Moebius; and your initial Moebius' circumference is Planck's Constant; then you can determine this Side to Side width in PC units directly as a function of a Moebius' replication generation. Further, the two Sides of the surface distance must meet these two constraints.

1. Its ratio of S to S/Circumference must always decrease as the generation number increases, and;

2. The absolute S to S width in PC units must increase predictably with generation number.

Ergo, there are present physical constants whose ratios in PC units can be predicted by the generation number of our universe. Right now, a good estimate of our generation numer = number of replications by dividing is about 80.

In short, by predicting accurately the Side to Side width between the two sides of our Moebius' surface is necessary for navigating at FTL using the E-T ships the Disclosure Project witnesses say the US govt has.

I expect some very smart people to say something and help NOW.

Posted by admin Thursday, July 03, 2008 (14:13:23)
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8-17-2009 Who do we need? How can You help?
8-15-09 I feel we have been blessed with almost three years. I thought we were dead on July 16, 2009. Thank God for wrong predictions. Each of you who live on Earth face the same responsibility I and my wife do. Don't act, don't help, stick your head in the sand, and then we all fry including you, your children, everyone you love. These two asteroid conjunctions could only have been done by E-Ts who think enough of us to warn us. The whole universe lies before us, all we have to do is accept the costs of continuing to create a future for life on Earth = wake up and work together.

Building the List has been like building a mirror that describes the state of our civilization and also mine. I will add to the list when any new Who is Needed come up.

6-26-08 List of Who can Helps and How. About us as a people. About me.

Posted by admin Friday, June 27, 2008 (09:07:01)
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6-25-08 Paragraphs on Doing Science & Society
In editing, I have found many redundancies, some of which make points that may be useful. So without dates or comments, I will put them in separated with a line. I hope they become useful to someone.

Posted by admin Thursday, June 26, 2008 (06:09:30)
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1-22-18 We Owe yoU (WOU) N1CL units: List of Lenders, Awarded to, How buy
Why & How Do N1CL We Owe You(WOU) units work?

Since we can not issue stock without putting the share holders interests ahead of the reporters, challengers, users, readers, and Member(s) interest in protecting and maintaining the N1CL purpose to create accurate public News for everyone and anyone on Earth or for wherever the List can reach including E-Ts in perpetuity; I, Dan Alter, the present sole owner and manager decided to use promissory notes called WOUs. By excluding owners of WOUs from any ownership or controlling function this solved the conflicts of interest inherent in stock ownership; while at the same time allowing us to raise the capital needed to grow this public News interface. I got the idea from a lawyer who told me as a sole proprietorship and now as a sole owner/managed manager LLC, you can borrow money from anybody on any terms both parties agree to. Ergo N1CL WOU units.

There are 100,000,000 N1CL WOU units. That number will remain fixed in perpetuity.

8-3-17 Explains how WOUs work and a WOU owners legal recourse to collect 5% SGR '"in perpetuity". Also this section goes into both registration agreements.

"The N1CL uses We Owe You(WOUs) to borrow the money needed for Initial
and Future Capital, Research, & Start-up Operating Expenses.

These WOUs are repaid by an "in perpetuity" monthly payment of 5% of SGR divided equally
between ONLY the WOUs freely given, rewarded, or issued to borrow money from the public,
i.e. not ever given, rewarded, or issued N1CL Treasury WOUs do not receive the 5% in perpetuity.

The owners of WOUs have no ownership, voting rights, or say in
running or governing the N1CL as these WOUs are non-recourse loans.

Since the N1CL can not know in advance what SGR will be, the N1CL can not guarantee
the amount of these "5% SGR" payments, nor that the N1CL will exist "in perpetuity".

That means should the N1CL not succeed, you understand that you won't receive your "5% SGR" payments
and that in your Full Member agreement and registration agreements, you agreed not to seek legal recourse.

Also that in any purchase or transfer of ownership of a WOU it must be transferred to a registered member of the N1CL so the SGR can be paid. No transfer, payment goes to last person or persons designated.

Our success rests on your realization that we require a N1CL
to create real honest NEWS for all so we can become a civilized world.

revised 8-22-16 Change from 5% Stipulated Gross Revenues(SGR) divided between all 100 million, to only divided between those WOUs actually issued to the public by the N1CL. This will increase WOUs present value at the margin enormously.)

i.e. WOUs earn 5% of SGR in perpetuity which will be divided equally between those WOUs the N1CL issues for a loan from anyone, and/or are accepted as payment for services rendered as long as they register with the N1CL to receive the 5% SGR.

In addition, WOUs can be divided as long as the divisions are registered at time of sale with the N1CL. So in principle the number of separate parts of the initial WOUs can increase forever. An example of how you build a sound money.

You must register with a real email and address to purchase, so we can correctly pay out the 5% in perpetuity on stipulated gross revenues.

In your membership agreement, you will swear to maintain the stated purpose of the N1CL as a List of people who have agreed to answer questions from anyone according to the various membership agreements from Full Member, Yes/No person, just a questioner, or registered user. Anyone can join by so agreeing to this and the other registration agreements and conditions, in perpetuity, and that you agree not to sell or try to sell all or any part of the N1CL, or let any person(s), organizations, or let any governments diminish or interfere with everyone's right of free speech on the N1CL on your sacred honor.

Posted by admin Sunday, June 15, 2008 (03:18:54)
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2-4-2017 Needed A-M debt Disconnection Tools, Measurements & Must Do's
Needed Disconnection Tools, Measurements & Must Dos

1-31-18 Deduced equation on how many orbits a living planet has until conservation debt arrives. Since it is a fixed number of orbits, then how long only varies with orbital radius. the longer the radius.

Hence this fixed number must be based on an intrinsic geometric property of a Moebius, i.e. its diameter and a fundamental mathematical constant = Phi = 1.618.

Right now our astro physicists can only see less than 4% of the matter in the universe with light and none of the Anti-matter. Clearly because 3/4 of the matter is on the other side of our universes surface.

Our physicists say we see back 14 billion light years to the big bang. Clearly dividing 1.618 into 14 billion gives an answer grater than Earth has existed.

But those galaxies we see long ago are not there now, they are actually much closer.

Given that we measure Dark Matter and Energy by their Gravitational effects and there is a portion of G that moves instantly at all distances (Gi), then the galaxies we see and the ones we don't are closer than we think.

The Equation Deduction: The circumference of a Moebius Strip is twice the center line down the center of its surface, Pi times Diameter = Circumference of a circle.

So Circumference of Moebius/2 divided by Pi = Diameter of M.

Diameter of M/Phi = number of orbits a living planet has once it starts its conservation debt.

How close are the galaxies and stars we see, once we realize that given any mass we can determine the distance it actually is from us once we can calculate when
the speed of light G force goes down to "Gravity Instant"(Gi).
For example, the Andromeda Galaxy is 2.54 light years from us. Again, where we see it using light from 2.54 light years ago is not where it is actually at right now, is it.

So FTL communication and travel require we figure how to determine where actual matter is at at "right now" = instantly from where we sit.

Since causation propagates at light speed on the surface of an M, then remember we can go anywhere FTL as long as light has not reached us from our FTL destination yet.

3-13-2009 These are the minimum Must Dos that outline how we disconnect our A-M debt. We must have a 'spirit scope'. It is required to ensure timing and, of course, convincing the rest of you we are spirits. Even more important, it removes the guess work as to exactly where the end of the Fixed Ray(FR) of our planetary spirit line is. The 'wormhole' to our A-M debt opens to us briefly as the edge of our conservation debt starts across the other end. The 'wormhole' is between 150 and 300 feet wide, although quite long, about 500 kms. The trouble is, it is either 150' or 300'.

6-12-2008 A spirit-scope is necessary. I still do not know exactly when life started on earth, so knowing how much Fixed Ray(FR) 0f our Planetary Spirit Line(PSL) jumps each year is a guess. We do not need anything fancy, just a meter that reliably shows a spirits presence within a few feet reliably. Ergo, a Planetary Spirit Line should give off a very strong signal.

In the method described below, I am assuming 4 billion years ago. I do not like assumptions. If it was 2 billion years, or better yet fewer years, then for example, at two billion years we have well over 300' from Earth's orbit to hit the 'wormhole' opening on July !6, 2023. Ergo, we need a spirit-scope to show us annual jump length of the Fixed Ray of our Planetary Spirit Line. From that jump length we can deduce how how old our A-M debt is. Fewer years mean more room on A-M debt side of surface that gives us room to miss hitting A-M debt when we arrive so we can whack it at best moment. However any hit should do. It is likely a one way trip anyway.

The Disconnection Method

It is simple. When the wormhole opens annually for a few second inside Earth's orbit, we drop a 'zero with respect to c = speed of light' capable FTL ship through this wormhole. Preferably using the July 16, 2023 or sooner openings. The last jump om July 16, 2024 we jump and hit A-M debt and pray that is enough.

The exact time will be shown by the asteroid conjunction in the Missing Earth crop circle. It shows exactly when Earth is first struck by the burning ray from our Sun. However we need to confirm this time precisely by measuring when the Fixed Ray of our planetary spirit line jumps in the years before 2024. The wormhole leading to our A-M debt will be present then and open to us for probably several seconds, i.e. the time it takes Earth to travel 600 kilometers at 28 kms. We have to go look asap. We drop the ship down to zero with respect to the speed of light and it is taken almost instantaneously(in h-bar) to our A-M debt, striking it, the explosion accelerates it, preventing it decelerating to zero with respect to c and we are disconnected.

Posted by admin Saturday, March 22, 2008 (00:48:56)
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01-16--09, the date of Latest Change(s) to Pre-Beta site.

The date in front of article title shows when the latest change(s) to this and the other articles is made. Here I will record the major editing changes I make, explain why I make changes, explain why I add articles, comment on Interface progress and the state of public affairs as it relates to N1CL. I will date and headline what I have done except for minor spelling and punctuation changes. This should help those of you who visit to see if any changes have been made since last visit. To see "Latest changes on site" go to block on upper right. (4-26-07 rewrote, 4-30-07 edited) n1cl-1

5-20-07 I am going to add a 'Cost estimate' blog in my Forum. A serendipitous meeting with some potential lenders made me realize that I had not been thinking through the necessities of our situation clearly. Since I have already 'sold' the N1Cl to its present and future members, this 'Estimate' is due them. My job is to show lenders why N1CL WOU units will be so valuable in the future. A triple A loan.

Posted by admin Saturday, April 21, 2007 (21:25:30)
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6-15-19 How to use Global Climate Measurements to see causes of Climate Change
The date in front of Title shows the date of latest change or edit.

I have been watching these links for over ten years. One thing I have noticed is that the Gulf Stream is at least 50% stronger than it was 14 years ago. Much of the Arctic ice melt in the North Atlantic can be explained by the stronger than normal Gulf Stream. Skip forward a week at a time and watch the eddies and loops form as the GS weakens and then disappear when the GS strengthens. Coupled with the speed code(white is fastest) gives a good eyeball estimate of GS strength.

Links will be added as useful ones are suggested. They must be based on a reliable series of consistent measurements over time. The start date can be recent, but the further back we can go is best.

How to combine and and compare these chains of measurements "OVER TIME" to show causation, i.e. which one(s) move first and in what sequences, is explained below these links.

7-09-2008 edit: Here are links to time sequence scientific measurements of some relevant Earth Climate variables. So far no one has compared the amplitude of these many available measurements along the same time line. Comparing where each measured variable sits at the same time on its Extremes to Mean Line will reveal causal links between changes in variables like CO2 levels, solar output, volcanic eruptions, ocean currents, cloud cover, Earth's aggregate mean surface temperature, upper level sea temperatures, etc, etc.

How many of you will volunteer or help pay for constructing this measuring tool. All it takes is an agreement by the various govt and private groups who now collect and report these component measurements to input their daily or weekly results into this 3-D array Box.

Your Radiation This Week Years of weekly reports by actual monitoring stations.
There is a discrepancy between these two radiation reports. The 'radiation network' below has decreased both in its number of over 40 cpm sites over the last year and its number of reporting sites. Since radiation levels are increasing(Fukushima is still pumping radiation into the oceans), then are the sites measurements actually provided by volunteers????
USA/Can real time radiation network

Latest Mean Global Temperature From 1979 by Satellite. This is reported monthly right after the first of the month.
It is independent of ground measurements which are often poorly sited and misreported.

SpaceWeather.com Great daily sunspot count and the Thermosphere's temperature. Plus a wealth of current Astronomical data.

Why CO2 can NOT cause global warming.
Deplorable Science Blog which tracks the massive official temperature measurement frauds, etc, by the warmists. For example, the record increase in Greenland ice mass in the 2016/17 winter. Since they used taxpayer dollars to lie to us that makes them criminals. They must be prosecuted.

Ice Age Now.info
The Hockey Stick vs Ice Core Data
Average Daily Sunspot Area. Not daily, but a good long term view of the declining tops of past cycles.

National Snow & Ice Data Center
Danish Meteorological Institute Arctic Ice Record
By USA Cryosphere Today World Ice Cover Maps Not operational since Trump took. office.???
Canadian arctic ice extent
Canadian measures and news about Northern ice cover .

Blocked 6-15-2019 DEOS Gulf Steam Velocities daily pictures. in April 2019, DEOS stopped updating the Gulf Stream pictures. No explanation. I emailed all three available email contacts with no response. Exactly the same "no daily upgrading" as the 'Cryosphere Today' did two years ago without explanation. Perhaps they did not like public verification of the Hot Water to ice and snow the Gulf Stream creates when it goes North.
The paragraphs below describes what DEOS showed before.
Very strong, which means lots of warm water goes North to evaporate out and fall as snow which form ice sheets and advance glaciers.
This occurs when the Sun's output decreases, shown by no Sun Spots, and the Thermosphere thickness falls to record lows causing heat from Earth's surface to radiate into space faster. A thick warm Thermosphere = 49.5; a thin cold Thermosphere = 4.0 or less, which is occurring now.

Heat seeks cold = The Second Law of Thermodynamics says as colder air evaporates warm water into water vapor, then this cold air turns water vapor into snow and ice.
They are more ordered than water vapor, this means the cost of making snow and ice is the release of extra heat.
E.g. A working refrigerator shows how this works.Electricity/energy goes in, circulating gases/fluids that absorb the heat from the water or the air inside, making cold air/ice; but this extra heat absorbed must be released outside the back of the refrigerator into the air, or in Earth's case into space. Energy into ice = extra heat out.

This anti-entropic cycle on Earth can create an ice-age cycle. Ending an inter=glacial requires a very strong Gulf Stream & Pacific warm currents bringing more Heat = violent storms which evaporate more warm water sending water vapor into a no Sun light or low solar input region,
as Earth's annual wobble reduces or eliminates the sunshine at the poles,

No sunshine combined with a very cold Thermosphere, and you have created a natural refrigerator, making lots of snow & ice.
Ergo, the coldest, snowiest winter on record so far = 2018/19.

Posted by admin Monday, February 25, 2019 (10:14:00)
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Einstein's Missed Implication: His TEST Shows Relativity's Reference Frame To Us
2-10-17 This article explains the background leading to my conclusions which is necessary but long, so here is the summary version. Once you read this short version of his TEST, what follows will be much clearer.

Train car with two lights, one at each end with a detecting screen in the exact middle goes down the track past an observer on the embankment. When the detecting screen is exactly opposite the observer the two lights flash simultaneously.

1. Since speed of c is independent of speed of emitting object, the light flashes from each end of moving car arrive at observer simultaneously;

2. but at the 'detecting screen' the light from rear of car takes a little longer to hit rear side of the screen as the car has moved a bit in the time c takes to reach the screen;

3. conversely, the light flash from front of car arrives sooner at front of the detecting screen as the car has moved a bit towards the front flash in the time c takes to arrive at the screen;

4. ergo, the time difference between the arrival times of the simultaneous flashes on the front and back of the screen can be used to deduce how fast the car is moving down the track with respect to c, the speed of light.

Notice, this is completely independent of the observer on the bank.
Ergo, a self-contained measuring device can be constructed for
an object like a satellite or spaceship or whatever that measures its speed as a percentage of c and its vector in real time

12-16-12 I added "To Us" to the title to reinforce that it is from where we sit that we create a picture of how the universe works. A scientific theory begins and ends with its creators = Us. I have not done any other changes below except for minor editing. There are philosophical and epistemological implications that are better served with a separate article.

11-3-09 It is from Einstein's second postulate that relativity is derived; i.e. it is well confirmed by observation that 'c', the speed of light, is a constant with respect to all observers. Ergo, this 'constant' gives a base reference frame to measure our location and speed with respect to anywhere else in our universe. All we need to know is how to measure our speed with respect to 'c'.

At the bottom of this article I show why Einstein's conclusion from his lovely thought TEST was mistaken and that this implies how we can measure our local speed with respect to 'c' the speed of light.

Posted by admin Monday, November 20, 2006 (07:52:28)
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Politics : What Do We Expect From Paid Beta Members & Application Explanation
About Being a Beta Member Tester & Member Application. 1. The article that follows will explain what we want to acccomplish in Beta; and it will hopefully explain all the things a Beta Member should know about, including how you will be paid.

Posted by dan1 Tuesday, June 27, 2006 (14:10:36)
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07-27-11 last add: Equation log: derive base equation describing moebius strip

Some self-imposed rules: This is ad hoc, by the seat of my pants. Date at front of Title is date of last change made. 1. I will add a dated entry, leave it here on top, edit it for awhile, and then put an ending date on it. After that, any changes will be dated except for spelling or punctuation errors. 01-07-2007

These entries outline the path to describing a Moebius mathematically. Once the surface area eq was found, the next relationship is determining the width between the two sides of a M surface as some ratio involving distance between sides and circumference using h-bar.

Posted by dan1 Tuesday, November 22, 2005 (03:44:52)
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Disconnect Links [x]
Proof E-Ts do secret business with USA govt.
Sirius Disclosure Project Eyewitness evidence USA Govt. does face to face E-T contacts. e.g. Over 800 USA govt witnesses who swore publicly before Congress they dealt face to face with E-Ts.

This climate url shows why much of our scientific establishment is corrupt.

Why rising CO2 levels Can NOT cause global warming.

Cimate Fraud Whistleblower Rewards Program

These links deal directly with How to Prevent our Sun from exploding.

How do we prevent our Sun from exploding July 16, 2024

How to find the two conjunction asteroids shown in the "Missing Earth" crop circle.

This math is required.
How to use a circle to relate 'e' to Phi.

Confirming objective reports.
National UFO Reporting Center

Crop Circle Connector

2-4-2017 Needed A-M debt Disconnection Tools, Measurements & Must Do's

HOW can we get these tests DONE?

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Dan: The goal of education is the advancement of knowledge and the dissemination of truth. - John F. Kennedy
04-Dec-2020 09:23:00
Dan: In Matthew 12:25 Jesus says: “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand."
13-Nov-2020 07:25:28
Dan: "We can ignore reality, but we can not ignore the consequences of ignoring reality." MilwaukeeMark ZeroHedge
10-Nov-2020 09:30:35
Dan: 'Do you realize that a "No sex until you pass 4 semesters of Calculus Rule" would ensure civilization on this planet for the next million years, and colonization of nearby planets!" by Pete4Hegemon WND James Dobson Sex Ed article pushing teaching sexual abstinence in schools 2020-09-19. Brilliant, true, and very funny.
20-Sep-2020 05:18:43
Dan: 'Its(journalisms) core purpose, the only thing that really makes it matter or have worth, is reporting what is true, or at least what evidence reveals." Glenn Greenwald via The Inercept
06-Sep-2020 00:22:48
Dan: "Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what a people will submit to, and you have found out the exact amount of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them; and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress. Men may not get all they pay for in this world; but they must pay for all they get." - Frederick Douglass
22-Aug-2020 08:34:44
Dan: "I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them." -John Bernard Books- The Shootist
15-Aug-2020 21:07:45
Dan: A political observation: All voters lives matter regardless of their skin color.
07-Aug-2020 17:03:38
Dan: "If you can't question it. It is not science." comment by New Darwin The Sordid History Of Science, Zero Hedge July 19, 2020
20-Jul-2020 01:26:41
Dan: "the key component to civilization is civility and I don’t see much of that anymore." George Critch July 17 2020 Caitlan Johnstone .com comment.
18-Jul-2020 07:17:00
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